Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Call of Duty Black Ops

So last night at 12 am Call of Duty Black ops came out.  I pre ordered it online at target because I had a gift card to there for my birthday.  Well this morning I got an e-mail saying that my order has been delayed.  And I will get an e-mail when it has shipped.  I have not gotten an e-mail so that means it hasn't shipped.  I should of just ordered it at gamestop...  One of the worst mistakes I have ever made in my gaming life.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Bored... Just Bored...

My Xbox Live subscription has been suspended for some odd reason, my computer has parental controls on it so it limits what I can do, It's raining outside, the school I go to has a little less than 80 kids, I am not happy.

Yes my life seems like its just about over, and the only fun thing to do right now is blog and pour out my thoughts on the web.  I need to find a way to make my blog more popular and have people go to my blog on a regular day to day or at least week to week basis.  What I need to do is tell people about it.  It's already on my Facebook profile.  I should just like spam people about it, but then they will all hate me and delete me, and then I would have to rebuild connections..
I need ideas...