Friday, September 3, 2010

Advisory Quick Write

This is a Quick Write I was required to do in my Advisory class.  It's kinda dumb but whatever.  Comment on the best teacher you have had in your life.

Manny Barrantes
1.        A good teacher is fun but not like really strict.
2.       The best teacher I ever had been in 8th grade.  This teacher was awesome!  He joked around with the students and didn’t really treat us as students but as adults.  Sometimes he would put music on while we were studying.  Also he would pick on some of the students and tease them which also made everything cool.
3.       The way I learn best is if a teacher makes sure I am paying attention.  A teacher that cracks down on my and helps me and asks me if I have any questions.  I need to be isolated and away from distraction to learn well.  We did a National History Day project and I really learned from that.  Each student got to choose and topic.  And every week or so the teacher would check on how we were doing and would have a certain checkpoint that we would have to accomplish by the end.  We did this for 3 months and we got to work on the projects individually and then after the 3 months we would do a presentation.

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