Thursday, September 30, 2010

Banksy Flower Chucker

This an interesting image.  I like it because the guy looks really angry, but he is holding flowers.  He could actually be trying to throw flowers at a wedding and just looks angry because he's straining trying to throw the flowers.  He also looks like he could be throwing a grenade or a pack of C4.  I think the black and white and showing outlines makes the picture really clear. 

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

"Sorry I'm late" video

I really liked this video because it looked like the people put a lot of effort into the video.    The actor had to stay still while they took pictures and the horse had to move a little bit as the camera took pictures.  When they added the car it was cool because it would go like all bumpy along the road.  And after the video our teacher told us that the camera man held the car in proportion to the guy and ground.

Sorry I'm Late from Tomas Mankovsky on Vimeo.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Sing Sang Sung

This video was awesome.  I like how in the movie the little ball kept going and going.  I thought it was going to go on forever.  The ball was bouncing on some flowers and diamonds and it would transfer to other objects.  I thought that was cool.  It is a very creative video.

Air - Sing Sang Sung from kevin kenger on Vimeo.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Paranormal Activity BTW SPOILER ALERT!!

Hello Der!
I just got done watching Paranormal Activity and I just had to write about it.  AND IF YOU DON'T WANNA HAVE THE MOVIE SPOILED FOR YOU DON'T READ THE REST OF THIS!!!!

Two people Katie and Micah are getting haunted by a demon.  Katie was haunted by the same spirit when she was 8 years old.  This "thing" is walking around their house at night.  You can hear the footsteps but you can't see anything.  Micah gets a camera to record this spirit walking around their house.  He has a tripod and sets it up in their room.  Later that night their door moves back and fourth and they hear some footsteps.  Earlier that day they had called a doctor of ghosts and he referred them to a colleague of his.  Micah didn't want to contact him because he thought he could figure this thing out for himself.  The doctor tells him not to provoke the spirit and not to use a Ouija Board, but Micah gets one and tries to get Katie to try it.  She gets mad at him and they leave the house.  He left the camera on the tripod focused on the board.  While they are gone the heart starts moving around and the board catches fire.  Micah and Katie come back and Micah finds the board and tries to figure out the message.  Later that night Micah puts powder in the hallway leading to their room.  During the night they hear the steps and see the steps of powder and the couple start freaking out.
They call the doctor of demons recommended  by the doctor of ghosts.  And he doesn't answer.  They call the doctor of ghosts again and he comes to their house and instantly he says he can't be there and the spirit wants him to leave.  A few nights later the spirit comes in and grabs Katie from her bed and drags her down the hallway and bites her.  Micah grabs her back and they go back in their room.  The next day Katie is holding a crucifix.  Later that night the spirit grabs Katie and she starts screaming and Micah goes after her and they both start screaming down stairs.  All of a sudden the screaming stops.  We hear footsteps then Micah's body is thrown at the camera.  Then a bloody Katie and and she has a demonic expression.  She then goes to sniff Micah's body and then throws her face at the camera.

Well thanks for reading this.  I am probably off on a few facts and on how the events took place but you whatever.  I watched this movie today and I am creeped out.  I really don't feel like going to bed...

Friday, September 3, 2010

Advisory Quick Write

This is a Quick Write I was required to do in my Advisory class.  It's kinda dumb but whatever.  Comment on the best teacher you have had in your life.

Manny Barrantes
1.        A good teacher is fun but not like really strict.
2.       The best teacher I ever had been in 8th grade.  This teacher was awesome!  He joked around with the students and didn’t really treat us as students but as adults.  Sometimes he would put music on while we were studying.  Also he would pick on some of the students and tease them which also made everything cool.
3.       The way I learn best is if a teacher makes sure I am paying attention.  A teacher that cracks down on my and helps me and asks me if I have any questions.  I need to be isolated and away from distraction to learn well.  We did a National History Day project and I really learned from that.  Each student got to choose and topic.  And every week or so the teacher would check on how we were doing and would have a certain checkpoint that we would have to accomplish by the end.  We did this for 3 months and we got to work on the projects individually and then after the 3 months we would do a presentation.

Artisic Image

This image is cool because it has a bunch of colors coming out of it.  And it has blue swirls and its all faded.  I would like to make something like this in Photoshop.  I also like how it has black shadings all around it.  The white part is like really bright and then as it goes away from the point it gets darker.  I really like that.