Sunday, June 19, 2011

That's what up.
I would do this if I was a soldier.


Another Mind blowing picture.


So you know if you made a big decision late one night and then you wake up in the morning and then you remember and then your like Holy Fucking Shit.  Yeah it happens and its mine blowing when you get that sudden realization.  Yeah that happened.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

      This is what the iPhone 5 is supposed to look like.  Rumors are rumors.  The iPhone 5 is rumored to be released in September. It's also supposed to go back to the shape of the 3gs, but have the screen all the way to edge.  So expect more because I will certainly be posting more.

It's hot in the summer and who doesn't like an underwater picture to make yourself feel a little cooler?

Summer Break..

Yeah, so just on the computer during summer break.  This is one of the days I'm not working and I'm bored as hell.  If I had a car I would probably drive somewhere cool and exotic with my friends, but instead I get to slowly cook inside this house in front of a screen.  Well at least I'm not forced to be outside.  I get to be inside with a fan next to me sitting on my ass blogging about summer.  :P

Sunday, April 17, 2011!5792849/mesmerizing

This is Amazing.  But only if you have 8 minutes to waste!!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Second Wind video

This was a very beautiful story.  It touched me in my heart very much.  It was about two friends that were really good friends and played together and they hung out all the time.  They were playing soccer and the cat blew the ball a little to hard.  The ball rolled into the forest and the old man in the video went to get it.  The old man met another spirit and he started ignoring the cat and playing ball with the spirit.  The cat got mad and broke the ball.  The spirit tried to kill the cat and the old man took the blast for the cat.  The spirit and the cat battled.  This video made me think about how friends fight, but it may seem like they don't care about you but in the end they actually care and will fight and stand up for you.

Second Wind - from Liam Hornby on Vimeo.