Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Warm up blog post

I liked that everything in the video was modern and it would zoom in on the object in detail.  It was cool how the music and the video were like made for each other.   The people that made this video are amazing.  I like how the video flowed and I kept wanting to watch more of the video and I was like =O KEEP GOING!! But its a short video so be sure to enjoy it!! :)  Also if you techno music you should like this.  By the way this is a remake of Little Red Riding Hood.

SlagsmÄlsklubben - Sponsored by destiny from Tomas Nilsson on Vimeo.

Monster Energy Drink

If you want something to drink thats REALLY good.. drink MONSTER

Pyro maniac

This is me.  I like blowing stuff up.  I love fireworks, guns, explosives, anything that blows up or shoots.


 Hi I'm Manny Barrantes and this is my Freshman English Blog assignment.  I will be posting things about my English class or just random things if I get bored.  I will be also posting videos, pictures, music, and sometimes movie recommendations.  I also will post podcasts that I recommend or anything else I find interesting.
Manny Out.